Urgent Call to Address the Escalating Humanitarian Crisis in Rukban Camp Due to Siege Tightening by Maher Al Assad’s 4th Armored Division

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OCTOBER 9, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  The Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) has confirmed that all smuggling routes used by besieged residents in Rukban IDP Camp to obtain essential goods have been cut off by the 4th Armored Division of the Assad regime. The 4th Division led by Bashar al-Assad’s brother, Maher Al-Assad, operates under Iranian orders and in coordination with Russian forces in Syria.  We call on the international community including the members of the International Coalition Against ISIS to take urgent action to support SETF’s ongoing efforts to provide lifesaving aid to this besieged population. This is crucial to both saving thousands of lives and ensuring force protection for coalition troops stationed in and near the camp. 

A year ago, SETF established “Operation Syrian Oasis” to consistently and continuously deliver aid, educational resources and medical personnel to the camp, utilizing military air on a space available basis on ongoing operations. Over the summer, SETF successfully distributed over 650 tons of humanitarian aid ensuring food security for everyone in Rukban for the first time, though this aid will only last until the end of October

SETF has been successful in establishing an effective, safe and reliable system to access the 55-kilometer deconfliction zone surrounding Rukban in coordination with Operation Inherent Resolve. We urge the International Community, including the French, British, and US governments to use this “Operation Syrian Oasis” to sustain and expand our ongoing efforts to provide essential humanitarian aid to Rukban. The provision of humanitarian and medical aid to the camp allows for the thousands of civilians to live with dignity and freedom, and it increases support for the presence of US forces and partner forces in the area to counter ISIS, Iran, Russia, and Assad.

As the crisis deepens, the international community must hold the Assad regime and its allies accountable for their brutal tactics. We urge humanitarian and medical workers to support this initiative by volunteering to treat patients in the camp or donating to Operation Syrian Oasis through our website www.setf.ngo.  To learn more how you can help, please contact Maria Cure at [email protected].

About the Syrian Emergency Task Force

The Syrian Emergency Task Force is a Syrian-American 501(c)(3) headquartered in Washington, D.C. SETF works tirelessly to bring an end to the killing in Syria through humanitarian initiatives, advocacy and the pursuit of justice and accountability for war crimes. Today, SETF stands as the most notable American organization working on Syria, as evidenced by the impact it has made both on the ground in Syria and the U.S. SETF serves as a resource for education by bringing the voices of the Syrian people to the international stage. From testimonies at the UN Security Council to local grassroots community fundraisers, the team brings together like-minded people who are determined to fight for a safe, and free Syria away from the vicious dictatorship.

For any inquiries, please contact:
Maria Cure
[email protected]